The Community Development Institute (CDI) - is a non-governmental and non-profit national umbrella association for development, education and social services. The CDI’s experience is based on more than 25 years’ work within the community, addressing citizens’ problems and needs and helping in overcoming challenges. CDI provides workplace for people from different ethnic and social backgrounds, and offers non-formal education in the fields of project management and employment skills.


Strategic aims:
1. Improvement of the living conditions and standard of life.
2. Strengthening of the democracy and civil society;
3. Vocational Education and Training
4. Economic development
5. Social services, cohesion and inclusion
6. Improved inter-ethnic relations
Methods applied in the work of the CDI:


In its work, during implementation of program activities, CDI uses the following methods:
a. Seminars
b. Conferences
c. Workshops
d. Publication of printed educational materials
e. Production of audio and video educational material
f. Consultation and mentoring
g. VET trainings
h. Study trips and exchanges

The variety of different programs, projects and activities that CDI have implemented in geographic area of more than sixty (60) municipalities covering more than a half of the population of Republic of Macedonia have positioned the Community Development Institute among the leading CSOs on national level. >> Website

Eurasia Innovative Society Association is a non-governmental organization located in Bursa, Turkey. Through its practiced multidisciplinary research in the fields of young education, social inclusion, sustainable growth and many more.  
Research and analysis, assessments, publishing, and advocacy are among Eurasia's efforts, as are convening and facilitating the exchange of ideas and open debates that promote fresh thinking on contemporary challenges in Europe while maintaining a global perspective.
Eurasia organizes conferences, workshops, trainings, and other activities that promote social growth, behavioral change, and youth and marginalized groups' inclusion.
Our key areas of interest are:
● Development of the Community                                       
● Professional and Personal Growth
● Social Justice, Integration, and Inclusion                         
● Youth and Employment
● Human Rights                                                                     
● Creating jobs for refugees
● The Environment and Climate Change                               
● Society and Diversity
Eurasia has a solid reputation for delivering high-quality independent research, as well as providing worldwide collaboration assistance and supporting best practices that result in meaningful work. Eurasia is also actively working on a number of initiatives and advocating for strategic influence in a number of industries that are relevant to our key theme areas.

Our staff is working diligently to address socio-economic issues through research and analysis. From juniors to seniors Eurasia follows inclusive policies to create a better world for everyone.


These are the partner organisations of the project , responsible for the development of the differnet outcomes and the launch team for our European Initiative:

FTHIA IN ACTION was established in 2018, as an INFORMAL YOUTH GROUP in order to get actively involved in Volunteering and Youth in Action programmes. After the growing number of active members (over 130 at the moment), the success in organized activities and the number of Erasmus projects within 2 years, led to the transformation into ASSOCIATION Of VOLUNTEERS. It takes action in Lamia, region of Central Greece.


Main goal of the Association is the involvement in activities and discussions that have to do with important topics such as technology, environment, education, job opportunities, unemployment, economy, cultural awareness and volunteerism.

Our members, through different activities, are willing to strengthen awareness of active European citizenship, solidarity, tolerance and social inclusion. Under these principles, are connected to other Youth, Adults, Culture, Sports and Training clubs and built strong relationships with MUNICIPALITY of Lamia and Region of Central Greece, supporting the development of new civil society contacts.

FTHIA, has the financial and organizational capacity to co-fund Erasmus projects and organize many different activities, including people, regardless of age, gender or race emphasizing multiculturalism and empathy. Aims to support Youth and Adults from disadvantaged backgrounds facing economical, social, cultural, geographical situations.

FTHIA is focusing on increasing intercultural dialogue and cooperation among European Associations, organizing and sending participants in Erasmus projects, filming a network of Active European people. It is part of a broad network and organizes training courses, meetings, workshops, traineeships for students/adults in different professional areas, including the traditional values and cultural heritage. Also assists young or elderly people, youth /adult organisations and other stakeholders active in the field of Erasmus to explore and find various opportunities which are available under Erasmus+.

Takes a full role in the public debate on civil society engagement in its topics of interest and strives to influence policies in these areas. In line with forgoing values and objectives, thanks to its role as advisor for public and private bodies – well served by participation to European programmes (Erasmus+, EYF) – the cofounder established a serious network and Youth platform of ENGO partners around Europe and beyond.


The Association is dedicated to the use of AI in education. It tries to increase the awareness for science among the young as it is expected that AI oriented professionals will be highly desirable and needed in the coming years. Fthia started the mission of AI empowering amongst young people in GREECE. So far the institute has addressed young students aged 10- 19 with enquiry based, hands-on experiments through the development of their own curriculum and methodology for teaching AI hands-on courses for children. The institute also provides science weeks for schools. In the future Fthia wants to address older children with AI in education and encourage them to learn more about it. At the moment, the institute participates in two Erasmus+ projects — as AI teaching knowledge mediator to teachers from all over Europe in KA1 action programme and as partner for AI competence development in elementary schools in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in KA2 action programme — consistent with the focus of this project.

With an in-depth study of AI theory and practice, students are equipped with technical skills and an understanding of machine learning, big data analytics, AI in gaming and robotics, natural language processing and deep learning Students and Youth, undertake research in our laboratories and are equipped for employment in a range of industries. >> Website

GALILEO PROGETTI Nonprofit Ltd. was established in 2009, based in Budapest. Galileo's mission is to improve the inclusion policies and the development of the social economy and the third sector in Hungary. To achieve this goal, it constantly collaborates with public and private bodies in the territory, with relevant public institutions. Through its activities, Galileo Progetti aims to develop the social sector and Lifelong Learning model, focusing on the education to the European citizenship, on social and work inclusion, equal opportunity. Galileo organizes mobility and good practices exchanges, mutual learning, and strategic partnership projects, and thanks to the activities of these years by now it has a very well established an informal network of partnership at local level with public and private organizations, such as training institutions, schools, universities, NGOs, VET providers, special needs schools, associations, social enterprises etc., aiming to develop the cooperation at regional level. The management is guided by the belief that good practices exchange can increase the local development and the competences of the local organizations, such as sharing and adapting well-functioning training and working processes in the social sector can have a significant impact on the professional performance, on the competitiveness of the local participants. Galileo target group are mostly vulnerable groups, with attention to the fight against discrimination and the inclusion in the workplace and in the society of the disadvantaged people, particularly disabled people, people belonging to minorities and in situation of economic distress and at risk of social exclusion. From 2016, Galileo is a member of the European Umbrella Organization ENSIE – European Network for Social Integration Enterprises. Thanks to the collaboration with ENSIE, Galileo Progetti works for the development of the social economy in Hungary and the strategies of disadvantaged people's work insertion. Galileo collaborates and has collaborated in the past with the Municipality of Budapest and the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities, ELTE University, to bring to the attention of decision-makers the most relevant international experiences at EU level.

GALILEO started in 2019 to be involved in project connecting the non-formal and informal education and the green economy and agriculture, with the transversal aim of the work and social inclusion pf disadvantaged people.

In 2020, Galileo enlarged and strength its network at Hungarian level, building new cooperation with the Hungarian Agricultural Information Technology Cluster. Together, the 2 organizations are working for improves the connection between agriculture social economy. They organized the Webinar „The role of social economy in agriculture, a tool for work and social inclusion.” In Nov. 2020, with the participation of Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture and other organization actives in the field of social agriculture.

The Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) can have a role to play in the protection of biodiversity as some of them are engaged into social agriculture. Those WISEs have a double goal, first, as WISEs, they are working on the integration of the most disadvantaged people, and have a social impact. Second, they are organic farms working at a small scale, trying to respect the cycle of plants, to not use chemicals, to work with local varieties and to distribute their production in directly to consumer, they have a positive impact on the preservation of the biodiversity. Therefore, WISEs are a good example of enterprises working towards the protection of the biodiversity while ensuring “social justice, fairness and inclusiveness in line with the European Pillar of Social Rights” as the European Commission Communication on “EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030” called for. As such, their example should be showcased and spread over Europe as part of the solution. >> Website

Inercia Digital S.L., founded in 2010, is an innovative Andalusian organisation specialising in training and innovation in digital skills at an international level.

We are a VET centre (Vocational Training for Employment) officially accredited by our regional government and our main area of expertise is fostering digital and entrepreneurial skills, which we make accessible through our Virtual Campus, approved by the Regional Government of Andalusia as a Virtual Training Centre for Employment (# 66044).

Inercia Digital has extensive experience participating in innovative European educational projects and was appointed a new member of the “Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition” of the European Commission in 2017. We’re also the proud recipients of the Certificate of Compliance AENOR EA0043 as a Young Innovative Enterprise in 2015.

Our mission is to drive training and innovation in digital skills across Europe, for educational institutions as well as professionals, forthe labour market and for all European citizens in general.


Our vision is to to be a Centre of Vocational Education and Training (VET) of Excellence at an international level through the continuous improvement of training and innovation in digital and entrepreneurial skills, boosting teaching and training methods of excellence, establishing ongoing cooperation and collaboration, in line with policies of regional development, employment, innovation and education.


Our values:

  • Committed to digital culture and continuous evolution/ adaptationto changes and technological advances;
  • Committed to excellence and providing the hishest standards of quality of service;
  • Motivated to innovate, learn, share and collaborate in the digital age;
  • Support the European Pillar of Social Rights, which promotes an economy based on knowledge, research and innovation, high-level education and training, adaptability and creativity, inclusive labour markets and the active involvement of young people in society;
  • Respect the human person/individual needs and are committed to the balancing of professional, personal and family life;
  • Committed to human development, job creation and social progress by investing in people in line with the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs).


We offer training and innovation in digital and entrepreneurial skills at international level, but we are also committed to fostering innovative advances in education through active participation in European projects and educational initiatives. From the Technological and Scientific Park of Huelva, and El Rompido School we offer you our training centers.


TRAINING: Online and in-person training in digital skills to promote education, employment and make citizens active participants in today’s digital society. Our main training routes are:
Vocational Training for Employment (FPE): The Andalusian Employment Service granted Inercia Digital the title of “Entidad Colaboradora de Formación para el empleo” (Collaborative Entity in the Training for Employment) in the field of elearning as a virtual training centre dedicated to the enhancement of individuals’ employability. This certification enables Inercia Digital to impart two training specialities conductive to a certificate of professional qualification in the Register of Collaborating Centres and Entities in the field of Vocational Training for Employment (Registro de Centros y Entidades Colaboradoras en materia de Formación Profesional para el Empleo). These two training specialities are “Creación y gestión de microempresas” (Creation and management of microenterprises) and “Docencia de la Formación Profesional para el Empleo” (Teaching Vocational Training for Employment). >> Website

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